Haloooo guysss… gimana nih kabar kalian saat ini?? Semoga baik baik aja yahhh. Kita kembali bertemu nihhh, pada pertemuan kali ini aku akan membahas tentang apa sih itu questioners? Nahhh sebelum itu seperti biasa nih kalian harus paham dulu apa sih itu questioner, yuk kita pelajari…


  1. Definition

Questioners is a list of questions or items used to gather data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences, or opinions.


  1. Function

a.     It translates the research  objectives into specific questions that are asked of respondents.

b.    It standardizes those questions and the response categories.

c.    Questioners serve as permanent records of the research.

d.    Questioners contain the  information on which reliability, and they are used in follow up  validation of respondents participation in the survey.


Setelah kalian sudah memahami apa sih questioners itu dibawah ini aku kasih tau perbedaan antara survey yang udah kita pelajari di pertemuan sebelumnya dengan questioners…


Difference Between Surveys and Questioners

Nah guysss, setelah kalian tau nih perbedaan antara survey dengan questioners kalian aku kasih tau nih apa aja sih jenis jenis questioners serta contoh kalimat yang biasanya digunakan dalam membuat questioners…


  1. Types

a.     Computer Questioners

Respondents are asked to answer the questioner which is sent by mail. The advantages of the computer questioners include their inexpensive price, time efficiency, and respondents do not feel pressured.

b.     Telephone Questioners

Researcher may choose to call potential respondents with the aim of getting them to answer the questioners. The advantage of  this type is can be completed during the short amount of time

c.      In house questioners

Researcher visiting respondents in their houses or workplaces. The advantages of this type is that more focus towards the questions can be gained from respondents.

d.    Mail questioners

This sort of questioners involve the researcher to send questioners list to   respondents  through post, often attaching pre paid envelope. Mail questioners have an advantage of providing more accurate answer.


  1. Expression

a.     In your opinion, what is the role of BPJS in peoples daily lives?

b.    In your opinion, is BPJS really helping the community in overcoming hospital costs?

c.     In your opinion, is the visual learning method good for students?

d.    In your opinion, can children who actively play online games lose their focus on learning?

e.     In your opinion, what is the right way to deal with malaria outbreaks?


Nahhh guys setelah kalian paham nih contoh kalimatnya kalian juga pastinya harus tau bagaimana sih bentuk questioners itu,, dibawah ini aku kasih contoh bentuk questioners…


  1. Sample

Okee guys kita udah ada di tahap akhir nihhh, yaitu waktunya aku kasih contoh questioners yang udah aku buat sendiri, questioners yang aku buat pastinya berada dalam ruang lingkup sekolah, jadi kalian bisa memahami dan juga membandingkan dengan contoh questioners yang lainnya yaa…


  1. Writing Questioners
Dibawah ini adalah tabel pertanyaan dari questioners yang udah aku buat...

Ini aku kasih link nya

Okeyy guys kita udah selesai nih mempelajari tentang questioners, semoga kalian bisa memahami dan juga menerapkannya yaa…semoga kita bisa bertemu lagi di lain waktu dengan topik dan materi yang berbeda, Byeee guysss…





























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