Halooo guys, kali ini kita akan belajar membuat tabel Bahasa Inggris nih!! Karena Bahasa Inggris kalian pasti berfikir “Wahhh pasti bakalan susah.” Tapi tenang aja karena aku bakal ngejelasin dengan cara yang mudah kok!.

Aku akan ngasih tau kalian apa aja yang harus ditulis dan bagaimana susunan membuat tabel. Untuk langkah awal mengerjakan kalian harus mengetahui apa itu tabel, fungsi, serta jenis-jenis tabel, yuk bersama sama kita simak dan pelajari…


1. Understanding tables

1.      Definition

Table is an arrangement of data presented in rows and columns or perhaps in a more complex structure

2.      Function

 a.       Provide concise information

 b.      Generalize communication

 c.       Explain the facts

 d.      Facilitate the reader

3.      Types of tables

 a.       One-way table/simple table

 b.      Two-way table

 c.       Three-way table/high level table

Nah,,,setelah kalian mengetahui apa itu tabel, dibawah ini adalah salah satu contoh tabel mengenai Covid-19!


 2.  Sample of table


This is table of COVID-19 in 2021.We can find the information about the percentage of deaths in several countries due to corona in 2021.The highest percentage of deaths is the UK with 53,000 victims and the lowest is Chile with 1300 deaths
Setelah kalian mengetahui dan memahami contoh tabel sebelumnya, aku akan memberi kalian contoh tabel lagi nih,,,kali ini tabel mengenai pengeluaran keluarga dalam satu minggu. 
                3.     Writing a table

 Table 1

 Below is a sample table of family expense


Family expense

A week

As can be seen, there are 4 items, Expense, Quantity, Price, Total


    1. Tells about what items are purchased in one week
    2. Tells about the amount of items purchased
    3. Tells about the price of each item purchased
    4. Tells about the total price of each item purchased

This table can be used for make sure family expense every week.

Nah, bagaimana guys kalian pasti sudah mulai memahami kan bagaimana cara membuat tabel dan macam macam tabel. Aku punya satu contoh terakhir nih, yaitu tabel mengenai perencanaan biaya dalam membangun sebuah rumah tinggal dengan biaya 300 juta.



    Table 2

    Below is about the expense of a house building that will be built for 5 months

There are 4 items, Job name, Volume, Unit price, Total price


    1. Tells about any work done, from the beginning of building to finishing
    2. Tells about volume of each work and goods required
    3. Tells about unit price of each job or item needed
    4. Tells about total price of each job or item needed

The example table above can give us information about what work and goods are needed to build a house with a budget of 300 million, and can also be used as a guide or references if you are going to build a house with a budget of only 300 million.

After we look at the table above we can also find out the unit price of each material, usually the more expensive and quality the material we use in construction, the more expensive the total price of a building will be.


Nah guys, itu tadi contoh tabel terakhir yaaa! Semoga kalian bisa memahami semua contoh contoh tabel diatas, dan aku harap dengan memahami kalian juga sudah dapat membayangkan dan mempraktekan cara membuat tabel yang baik dan benar.

Sekian dulu penjelasan dariku semoga dapat bermanfaat, sampai jumpa lagi!!!

















































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