Halo halo guysss… apa kabar nih kalian semuanyaa?? Hari ini kita akan belajar lagi nih, jangan bosen bosen ya!!! Pernah nggak sih kalian denger apa sih itu recount text? Nahhh kali ini kita akan belajar tentang recount text nihh, yuk kita pelajari dulu apa sih itu recount text…
1. Definition
Recount text is a text that retells a past event or
experience. The story can be an action or activity before someone writes the
2. Purpose
a. The purpose
of recount text is to inform the reader about an even, or to entertain the
b. To list and
describe past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened.
3. Text
a. Orientation
background information that the reader needs to understand the text, such as
who is involved, where it happens, and when it happens.
b. Event
A series of
events, ordered chronologically. The writer will write a series about the
events/occurrences they experienced (the core of the recount text).
c. Re-orientation
commentary/conclusion of the whole story and tells the end of the story.
Nah gimana
guys, udah paham dong apa sih itu recount text. Selanjutnya kita akan mengetahui
apa aja sih kaidah kebahasaan dan jenis jenis dari recount text, yuk pelajari…
4. Expressions/sentences
a. Using past
tense sentences. For example, the use of verb 3 went, such as woke up,
departed, burned, ate, etc.
b. Use part of
speech adverbs and adverbials to describe time, place and manner. Examples
include last October, Semarang, on the first day, at the park, etc.
c. Use part of speech conjunctions and time connectives to sequence events and happenings in the story. Examples include and, after, the, that, before, etc.
5. Types of
recount text
a. Personal
Is a
retelling of an activity in which the writer has been personally involved and
can be used to build a relationship between the writer and the reader, examples
anecdotes, diaries, personal letters.
b. Factual
Is reporting
the details of an event by reconstructing factual information, examples police
reconstruction of an accident, historical stories, biographical and
autobiographical stories retellings.
c. Imaginative
Has a
function to tell imaginative events. For example, a recount text recounts the
author’s experience in imagining a scene that he got from his dream.
d. Historical
Is a recount
text that contains history. Example is a recount text about the Proclamation of
Indonesian Independences.
e. Literary
Is to retell
a series of events for the purpose of entertaining
Oke guys,
kalian pasti udah mulai paham nih jika sudah sampai di tahap ini karena dibawah
ini kita akan melihat lihat contoh contoh recount text dari setiap jenis
6. Sample
a. Personal Experience
b. Factual Reporting
c. Imaginative
d. Historical
Setelah kita mempelajari semua
teori mengenai recount text di tahap akhir ini aku akan memberi kalian contoh
recount text yang paling mudah untuk dibuat yaitu recount text dengan jenis
personal recount atau pengalaman pribadi kalian nih,, pastinya kalian punya
banyak dong pengalaman pengalaman yang nggak terlupakan… yuk lihat gimana
7. Writing recount text
Itu dia contoh recount text dari pengalaman
pribadiku, setelah ini kalian bisa mencoba membuat recount text ini… Gak kerasa
nih kita udah selesai aja untuk materi recount text ini, semoga kalian udah gak
pusing pusing lagi ya tentang materi ini. Semoga semua materi ini dapat
bermanfaat untuk kalian, Byeee guys sampai ketemu lagi di lain waktu….
Mantap nih materinya. Tapi tolong penggunaan spasinya diperhatikan lagi ya Sausan. Biar lebih rapi dan nyaman bacanya. Tetep semangat!!
BalasHapusudah bagus banget, menarik