Halo guysss, kita berjumpa lagi nih!!! Pada perjumpaan kita kali ini kita akan belajar dan memahami apa sih survey itu, kita akan mempelajari mulai dari teori seperti definisi, fungsi, bentuk kalimat, serta jenis jenis survey hingga contoh-contoh survey. Tanpa berpanjang panjang yuk kita mulai aja penjelasannya…


1.      Definition

Surveys are research methods used for collecting data from a predefined group of respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest.


2.      Function

a.      To get the facts from the   existing symptoms

b.      Seeking factual information   from a group, area, etc.

c.      Evaluate and compare things   that have been done by other   people in dealing with similar   things.

d.     Conducted on a number of   individuals/units either by   census or as a sample.

e.      The results are for planning   and decision making.


3.      Expression to explain/writing

a.      Do you know the ad from       brand X?

b.      Have you ever seen brand X   collaborate with someone?

c.       Are the prices offered by our   store comparable to the quality   of the goods?

d.      Our store always provides     original goods of the highest   quality

e.      Our store provides honest and   satisfying service

f.       The prices are set affordable   and worth the taste

g.      Are the promos that are often   released by our store   interesting

h.     Would you recommend our     products to others?

i.        Serving has a variety of flavors   that are diverse and delicious

j.        Does the application make it.   easier for you to send or   receive shipments?



4.      Types of surveys

a.     Online Surveys

Online surveys are beneficial for companies that have a wide reach. But, online surveys do have their cons, online surveys could be accessed anywhere, but the survey recipient has to have internet access.

b.     Paper Surveys

Paper surveys are often easier to read for many since they’re printed in large fonts with black text on white paper. But one major con of paper surveys is that they can be pricier.

c.     Mail Surveys

Mail surveys have a wide geographic reach since most places are accessible by post. But you should keep in mind that your response rate will often be lower if you don’t pre paid return envelopes for the participants

d.     Telephone Surveys

For a telephone survey, a real live interviewer will ask a series of questions and record responses. Phone surveys run the risk of looking like a telemarketing call or being ignored.

e.      In – Person Surveys

With this surveys, interviewers are able to directly interact with a respondent and to ask follow up questions that really delve into the nuances and intricacies of response. But, In- person surveys can be time consuming.

f.      Panel Surveys

Panel surveys is when you select a group of people to surveys repeatedly over a period of time. But, panel surveying takes time and preparation to make them effective and usable.

g.     Focus Group Surveys

Focus groups are a variation of in-person surveying methods that includes a panel of 6-10 people that represent the target population. The cons this survey thought include the costs of preparing a moderator and participants.


Nah guys, setelah kalian membaca dan memahami semua penjelasan diatas, kita akan melihat lihat dan mempelajari contoh contoh tabel yang sering digunakan nih. Kalian simak yaa…



5.      Sample

Oke guysss kalian pasti sudah bisa memahami dan membayangkan bagaimana sih survey itu. Sekarang aku akan memberikan contoh membuat tabel dalam bentuk yang sudah nggak asing lagi buat kalian yaitu google form. Kalian lihat dan pahami ya guys…


6.      Writing

Berikut ini adalah tabel pertanyaan apa saja yang ditulis dalam survey yang saya buat


Ini aku berikan link google form nya 

Nah guysss akhirnya kita selesai juga nih belajar untuk hari ini yaitu mengenai apa sih survey itu, setelah ini semoga kalian udah gak bingung dan pusing pusing lagi ya jika akan membuat survey. Pesanku untuk kalian hari ini jangan bosen bosen buat belajar banyak hal baru guys!!! Akhir kata dariku sampai jumpa lagi dilain waktu dengan materi baru. Byee…





















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