UNDERSTANDING SURVEYS Halo guysss, kita berjumpa lagi nih!!! Pada perjumpaan kita kali ini kita akan belajar dan memahami apa sih survey itu, kita akan mempelajari mulai dari teori seperti definisi, fungsi, bentuk kalimat, serta jenis jenis survey hingga contoh-contoh survey. Tanpa berpanjang panjang yuk kita mulai aja penjelasannya… 1. Definition Surveys are research methods used for collecting data from a predefined group of respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest. 2. Function a. To get the facts from the existing symptoms b. Seeking factual information from a group, area, etc. c. Evaluate and compare things that have been done by other people in dealing with similar things . d. Conducted on a number of...